Performance  BOYS DONT CRY

Performance  BOYS DONT CRY
Udstillingssted ARTGENDA Helsinki 2000 Biograf Latsi Palatsi's foyer

It was first day of spring. We were at Arne Jacobsens gasstation. All the motorbike clubs of Sealand were blocking the costline road between Copenhagen Center and the forest in the North. Performer Seimi Nørregaard played Brandon Teena, performer Daniel Norback played his/her best friend and me as the girlfriend Lana. We switched between being perfomer and camera person. Later in the summer, the others went to Helsinki at Bio Latsi Palatsi to perform on the street and in the movietheaters foyer before the screening of their characters transgender film “Boys don´t cry”.
The performance acted as a flash back of the film.

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Brandon Teena Seimi Nørregaard

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John Teena's "ven" Daniel Norback

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Lana (right side, foto only) Marika Seidler

Kunstnerisk Hold

Dramatiker Marika Seidler
Scenograf og kostumedesign Marika Seidler
Kreativ producent Marika Seidler
Foto Marika Seidler, Daniel Norback, Seimi Nørregaard


Varighed 20 min.
Sted Biografer der viser filmen "Boy's don't Cry" i biograffoyer 
Alder 16+ unge
Deltagere pr. performance: ubegrænset

Støttet af ARTGENDA og Center for Dansk Billedkunst
Premiere år 2000 Artgenda Helsinki, Latsi Palatzi 


c/o Fabrikken for Kunst og Design

Sundholmsvej 46, 2300 København S. - DK
Telefon +45 26 24 71 91


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