SENSORIUM is the name of the sense organ and especially the part of the cerebral cortex where the sense impressions are perceived; an emotional center where the state of consciousness are linked to.
A Sensorium, or Source of the Senses, from which sensations spring.
Translated from Ordborg over det Danske sprog
About Seidlers SENSORIUM
In a subtle way, Seidler's SENSORIUM focuses on fostering a sensory relationship with nature through art, with a playful approach to biological processes. Sensorium's performance walks and art exhibitions are both experimental, original, climate-engaging and innovative within visual and performing arts. Experiences that are relevant for all people – no matter the age, young and old.
Seidler's SENSORIUM has a transgenerational focus: we address a playful and socially engaging audience of all ages. We endeavor that everyone can relate to the topics regardless of age. We therefore have age-targeted versions of the same performance walks. We have performance-walks for the youngest childeren, as its important to start a healthy and sensory relationship with nature early in life. We believe that it is of great value that the audience enjoys experiencing art with intangible qualities in dialogue with nature. The audience pleasure is to experince to become part of the slowness of the natural landscape and the landscape to become part of the audience.
Under the shared motto "SENSORY ART, CAN RECREATE OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH NATURE", it is our aim that children, young people and adults - in addition to high-quality artistic experiences - with Seidler's Sensorium's educational activities will experience a strengthened belief in their own creativity, develop an ability to orient themselves with a sensory mind in life, achieve greater well-being in their social communities and develop a belief in themselves to fully participate in their soicail groups in society.
Seidler's SENSORIUM has existed since 2015 and was established by visual, video and performance artist Marika Seidler. The idea for Seidler's Sensorium was and still is to create relevant and nature-related art experiences with a focus on recreating a sustainable relationship with nature through art that is aimed at children, young people and adults, and with a high artistic quality.
Public-engaging performance-WALKS theater plays
Seidler's SENSORIUM performs sensory audience-engaging performance-walk theater plays over lenghty time and distances in nature, based on current scientific biological processes and herd behavior. We have created several performance walks that has been performed in staged and natural landscapes in zoos, parks, forests, streams and by the sea. The walks take place in small audience groups of 8 – 14 people, walking together between
4 – 6 stage stations in nature. A walk lasts between 1 – 2 hours, with a distance of 1 -2 km. The stage stations are created from implementable art installations brought with us, which we take out into the landscape and combine with the landscape's natural scenography; such as hollow trees, exposed roots, sandy slopes, quiet spruce forest, majestic old trees, etc.
The audience group meets sensory guides: performers, singers, dancers, object animators and narrators along the journey's stage stations. The sensory guides lyrically and sensory stage the natural science theme of the performance walk. The audience participates together or individually in activities with the performer. The community is the focal point for the audience's experience. So that the audience gets an art and community experience beyond the usual. That's why a Sensorium art and nature experience, is an experience you don't want to be miss out on.
Artexhibitions and Public Art with art audiowalks
Artistic director Marika Seidler has exhibited visual art nationally and internationally since 1998. In recent years, Seidler has created video installations with Sensorium, where performers actively engage in the universe of nature combined with sculptural elements and indoor installations.
Seidler's Sensorium works with Public art combined with sound walks, and is currently working on a new pieces that arose from the performance walk Voks skoV, to the Guldborgsund Municipality area FRIHEDEN, which will open in 2025.
Educational program ART and NATURE
Seidler's SENSORIUM designs educational art and nature performance projects for the Municipal School Area, and Day Care. On a Sensorium project, the students get the opportunity to work within a performative creative process outside in nature and they try out audience involving activities. The art project is composed as a mini format of a professional creation process of a performance walk; first the students experience a performance-walk to get to know the experimental structure and aestetics, next the students collect and analyze data in a nature with a one day course with a biologist/nature educator. Based on their collected data, the students create their own mini-performance walks together with Sensorium artists. The last day of the project, the class groups involves each other in their performance.
The Sensorium Art educators are professional artistic competences within Visual arts and performing arts. Nature Educators are from Municipal Nature Centers or Sensorium's own affiliated nature and culture educators. Art projects are led by Marika Seidler in collaboration with art institutions, nature centers and municipal departments within the Culture counsil area, the School area and the Arts Council.
Funding takes place through the Danish Arts Agency, house artist funds with annual deadlines in March and October, as well as internally from the municipalities resources or via private schools' own funding.
Seidler's Sensorium has a 3-year grant production workshop in Copenhagen at the Fonden Fabrikken for Kunst og Design, Sundholmen. Artists who work on Sensorium art projects are based all over Denmark.
We are a self-producing private organization and our operation is not supported by foundation funds. All performances are approved by the Danish Arts Agencys Performing Arts Committee and are included in their Theater Reimbursement program. The theater is led by artistic director and producer Marika Seidler, permanently associated with dramaturgical consultant Betina Birkjær. We participate annually with new performance walks in the theater industry's KLAP festival for children and young people. Our plays show all over the country in nature in collaboration with art institutions, municipalities, festivals and nature centers throughout the country's beautiful nature.
About Artistic leader
Seidler's SENSORIUM was founded by artistic director Marika Seidler in 2015. Seidler functions as Sensorium's creative visual designer, artistic producer and concept developer. Seidler was educated at The Royal Danish Academy of Arts, within painting, sculpture, media video and sound, performance and spatial visual arts. Since 2000, Seidler has professionally created video and artwork with productions in India, Benin, Lebanon, Syria, USA, Russia, Japan.
Concurrentley Seidler started her arteducational career as an arteducator at the Danish National Art Gallery's Art educational programs in 2006 - 2010. Since 2009, she has created at educational concepts and taught children and young people artprocesses, in collaboration with art, culture and nature institutions in Danish municipalities.
Artistic leader and Artistic consultants
Co-creative Artists
Antoinette Helbing
Danser and choreographer
Marte Schau
Actor, singer and composer
Anna Kruse
Singer and composer
Gry Buhrkall
Singer and percussionist
Freja Schaumbürg Müller
Actor, singer and musician
Siri Nitshke Seidler
Actor, danser and pupetter
Production TEAM studio
Marika Seidler
Creative director and visual design
Yovka Petrova
costumier Assistent
Ane Løkken
costumier and requisitioner
Anika Dahlen
costumier Assistent
Fie Von Veer
Tailoring constructions consultant
Theis Whitzel
Special Effects consultant
Educational TEAM Artists and Forestguides
Marika Seidler
Educational leader and programmer
Nanna Bugge
Nature and Culture educator
Signe Skov Pedersen
Anders Hofmeister
Nature and Culture educator
Miriam Röstlinger Goldkuhl
Actor and dramateacher
Freja Schaumbürg Müller
Actor, singer and musician
Cooperative partners
Copenhagen Contemporary CPH
Deep Forest Art Land Herning
Fabrikken for Kunst og Design
J.F. Willumsens Museum
KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad
Kunsthallen Brandts Odense
Munkeruphus Udstillingssted
Metropolis Internationale Teater
Nikolaj Kunsthal København
P.C. Skovgaards Museum Viborg
Sorø Kunstmuseum
Bydels blioteker i Kbh. Kommune
Boserupgaard Naturcenter Roskilde
Center for Bæredygtighed Kbh.
Dansk Kulturinstitut Tyrkiet
Egedal Naturvejleder
Kongskilde Naturcenter Sorø
KABoligselskab Tingbjerg
Kløvermarken Naturskole Kbh.
M´Braka, Rio de Janero, Brasil
Medicinsk Museion, Kbh.
Naturskolen Raadvad, Gentofte
Teatercentrum KLAPfestival
Zoologisk Have København
Egedal kommune
Frederiksund Kommune
Guldborgsund Kommune
Gentofte Kommune
Gribskov kommune
Herning Kommune
Kulturboost, Kbh. kommune
Roskilde Kommune
Silkeborg Kommune
Sorø Kommune
Stevens Kommune
ÅBEN Dagtilbud, Kbh. kommune
ÅBEN skole, Kbh. kommune
Interested please contact us
Please contact us for inquireries about artprojects, booking of performance-walks, workshops or lectures and regarding collaborations for art exhibitions, new sitespecific performance walks and lectures.
We are applying for Danish funds twice a year in March and October for educational activities the following season,
at the Danish Arts Agency.
c/o Fabrikken for Kunst og Design
Sundholmsvej 46, 2300 København S. - DK
© Seidlers Sensorium all copyrights