Nikud in Aramaic means both foot and flight. Rocks are constantly moving through the landscape across the ocean floor across land borders. Glaciers blasted mountains into smal rocks that drift in rivers into the sea. At the edge of the beach lie the remains of rock, fine sand made since the ice age. Stones are placed on Jewish graves, not flowers.
Danish Jewish families fleed to Sweeden across the sea from Gilleleje during World War II. 150 Jewish children did not join their families, they stayed behind with Danish families, who took them in, this has beeen described in the book "What we don't talk about" from the year 2018. Tove Udsholt was one of those children how stayed in Gilleleje.
The performance in the beach park and the sea is inspired by the childhood story of the hidden Jewish children and the single question: if you had to flee, what would you take with you and what would you leave behind?
50 min.
1 - 2 km.
Beachpark + sea
12 years+
32/2-3 groups
Danish Arts Agency
Trailer FOD FLUGT on the way...
Stoenpost Rasmus Stenbjerg Jensen
coalgatherer Marika Seidler
Fisherperson Betina Birkjær
Rosehip singer Anna Kruse
Rosehip singer Alaya Rifensthal
Rosehip singer Siri Nitshke Seidler
Artistic team
Idea, Stagedesign and Playwright: Marika Seidler
Dramaturgical consultant: Betina Birkjær
Co-creative actors: Betina Birkjær, Rasmus Stenager Jensen, Alaya Riefenstahl
Co-creative singer: Anna Kruse
Scenographer: Marika Seidler
Costumedesign and visual art: Marika Seidler
Costumier Ane Lökken
costumier assistant: Yovka Petrova
Sewing circle from Munkeruphus
Stageset design assistent Eva Wendelboe Kucynski
Trailer Filmfotograf Mathias Teigtmeyer
Trailer stills Talieb Rasmussen
Trailer editing: Marika Seidler
Read more about FEET FLIGHT
Sensory performance - walk in a Beachpark and by the sea
FOD FLUGT er en sensorisk publikums inddragende performance vandring om at flygte over havet et stedsspecifikt værk om fiskere og flygtende, om at erfare, huske med kroppen og finde lokal historien i landskabet. Om sten og jødernes flugt over sundet under 2. Verdenskrig. En sanselig vandring skabt steds-specifikt til Munkerup Strandpark, en iscenesat flugt nær Gilleleje, hvor historien i sin tid udspillede sig i Strandparken.
A sensory audience's engaging performance walk about escaping over the sea, a site-specific work about fishermen and refugees, about experiencing, remembering with the body and finding local history in the landscape. About stones and the Jews' flight across the strait during World War II. A sensuous walk created site-specifically to Munkerup Strandpark, a staged escape near Gilleleje, where history once unfolded in Strandparken.
A number of Jewish children stayed with Danish families until after the war, also in Gilleleje. We recommend that the performance walk is followed by a talk with Tove Udsholt, who was one of the a hidden child during the war. Experience the escape and the child's perspective in a small exclusive audience group on the run. Meet performers and singers along the way at 4 stage stations, starting in DK and ending with meeting the Sweedish Rosehipsingers.