maleri DUESLAG  

maleri DUESLAG

DUESLAG Collection I - VI  
Produktions år 2008
Materialer gouache on 300 g arches watercolor paper size 50 x 65 cm.

Dueslag” is constructed by the two Danish words due” pigeon and “Slag” to hit someone or something. When the two words are composed the word translates to Pigeonhole a pigionhouse .In fairytales humans are often approached by anthropomorphic animals,that treat humans in exceptional ways. In horror genre films animals or something similar to animals can attack the human body. The human body might be of use as an incubator with parasitic traits as in “alien”. Pigeons are a common in all cities.

dueslag_stjernekrave mave rede_s
dueslag armhuleskov
6_dueslag gambler_s_60x80cm
4_DSC_3026_dame due i mund_s_60x80cm
5_DSC_3015_to damer to duer_s_60x80cm