Trees communicate with each other, look after their offspring and take care of their sick old neighbors. Trees have feelings, sensations and memory. They warn other trees of potential enemies. The information travels under the forest ground in a network of hyphae fungi threads growing a mycelium between the treeroots called the Wood Wide Web.
Live Art performance walk experienced in an exclusive audiencegroup, feel the physiognomy of trees from crown to root.
80 min.
1 - 2 km.
Forest or Parc
10 +
32 split in 2 - 3 groups
Danish Arts Agency Stage Art
Forestguide Simon Wøldike Boyesen
Ivy crowner Siri Nitshke Seidler
Blindsinger Marte Schau
Hyphaeguide Miriam R. Goldkuhl
Pinetree Marika Seidler
Root Freja Schaumbürg Müller
Artistic Team
Playwrights Annika Nilsson, Marika Seidler, Sif Jessen Hymøller
Playwright consultant Betina Birkjær
Setdesigns Annika Nilsson, Marika Seidler, Sif Jessen Hymøller
Masks and dolls Marika Seidler, Sif Jessen Hymøller
costumedesign and Fine Art Marika Seidler
creative producer Marika Seidler
costumier Ane Løkken and Fie Von Veer
costumier assistent Anika Dahlen
Tralier Photografer Talieb Rasmussen
Trailer edit Marika Seidler
Photo Marika Seidler
Collaborativepartner Roskilde Municiplaity 2017
suported by The Danish Arts Agency StageArt
2024 Egedal Kommune
2022 Munkeruphus udstillingssted
2021 Sorø Kunstmuseum, Sorø
2021 Horsens Teaterfestival efterår
2021 Raadvad efterår, GK kommune
2021 Raadvad forår, GK kommune
2021 Greve Museum
2019 Fabrikken for Kunst og Design
2019 Munkeruphus udstillingsted
2019 Raadvad, Gentofte kommune
2019 APRIL festival Hjørring
2018 Raadvad Naturcenter
2018 Kongskilde Naturcenter Sorø
2018 APRIL festival Ebeltoft
2017 Boserup skov Roskilde
Premiere august år 2017
Read more about VOKS SKOV /GROW FORST!
A sensorial Live-Art performance walk in the forests Wood Wide Web inspired by the German forester Peter Vohlebens book "The secret life of Trees".
Arboreal biological knowledge is the rootstock of the performance's lyrical approach to the tree families seen through the eyes of an artist. It is in the interaction between the audience and the performers that the experience is shaped at a calm forest pace. The audience's sensory knowledge of flora and fungi in the forest is anchored bodily when we immerse ourselves in different audience constellations. As the senses are challenged, the experience of the mutual life of the plant species expands. All Grow Forest! wandrings are adapted to the forest's tree species and season.
Come with us to the forest in the green spring, in the summer or in the redyellow autumn or in the new snow.
Experience the forest in a small exclusive audiencegroup, become part of the landscape. Meet the performers along the way at 6 stage stations; by the old hollow trees with their protruding roots, underneath the forest floor, between tree roots and fungal hyphae - follow the Wood Wide Web.